The author supplies in-depth analysis with a detailed explanation of various aspects of constitution, political scenarios, and the famous names and their role in politics in United States of America with list of events associated. Events and functioning of Government as described by author gives us a couple of underlying policies that helps us to understand their true motives. Narration provides good material and content on main issues likes unemployment, free welfare programs, education, planned parenthood schemes, national security, budget (leading to have direct impact on taxes) and laws governing the country are the main theme of the book. Presenting us a collection of significant political events in the book through both liberal view and conservative view is very strong message to ensure to have a better way of life for American citizens.

I.S.Petteice presents a broad analysis of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that their forefathers have crafted to protect the citizens of United States of America. As matter of fact, the book definitely emphasis on Constitutional rights of the citizens and gives great idea, how all aspects of government, culture, economy and morality are helpful to build a better society. Brief explanation of Constitutional rights like Second Amendment rights, Abortion rights, Religious rights and freedom to express ones faith and National Security and Global leadership and Nation’s moral standing around the world are main highlights of the book.

The book raises some of important questions for the readers and citizens of United States of America to know what is going on and how the government is influencing the citizens in their existence. Author’s hope that more and more of their fellow citizens to realize what is happening will insist on electing leaders who respect truth of the moral law as it is respected in the founding principles of United States of America. She has been keen on discussing for what America has stood and fought for since its founding. Author’s grave concern brings insightful writing in politics, her love and respect for her country and constitution with her great faith in God as creator is extremely contributed to the book. The book is excellent resource for the people following and studying politics as subject of their interest.

Politicians are the same all over the world. Embracing principles of politics should definitely cover all aspects of great republic for its country. As always, I wish a country in this beautiful planet on earth should be a place where everyone deserves equal opportunities and same freedom to fulfil their dreams with peace, harmony, security, healthy environment and happiness for their citizens.

Aishwariya Jayakumar